Mar 29, 2023Liked by Joshua Colvin

Fantastic DIY article, Chuck. This is just what I need to build for my little Potter. And thank you, Josh, for bringing this back out of the archives. It's also great to see that Judy B's link still works! Some really good stuff there.

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First thing I thought of when I saw this was that with a Harken dinghy furler and a wire center stay, you could roller reef the sail as well as fully furl it up to make deploying and dousing that much easier…

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What a wonderful concept. However, I am glad I am on the long side of 70 or I would try this on Iowa's hog lot runoff that we call lakes. I would have to tack about every 20 seconds! Great idea. I also love the Ljungstrom name. O'ljunstroms lived just down the road from us in County Cork and later in Dorchester, MA. Great Irish folk.

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