Correction: Cygnet 20 is Australian not from New Zealand—Eds

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The Cygnet 20 shows up in some recent episodes of "Sailing Kate Louise" on Youtube. It is indeed pretty and a speedy sailer.

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OOOOOOH....so many boats, so little time!!...looks good to me....

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I’m not clear if/how I can add a book stack.

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WOW....that Cignet 20 looks like an AWESOME boat! If I didn't already have an even dozen I might be thinking about how great that would be! wait a minute......hmmm, although we finally got MINKE (our Falmouth 30 cutter) back together last week after storm damage repair ---- so ......nah, just dreaming again!). I LOVE the carbon mast and tabernacle set up! BTW the book stack has "Hand, Reef, and Steer"....that's the first ever "how to sail" book I ever got my hands on - guess it was pretty inspirational (almost 40 years ago!)

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You can send your Book Stack photo and optional text to josh@smallcraftadvisor.com and we'll get it scheduled. Thanks!

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