After seeing that last sketch, I now understand what drew your interest to these boats! Looks so much like your wonderous , “Mouse”! Still painting, “Wren”. The rain ruined a section of my port side cove stripe two days ago. Touched it up yesterday , but still looks wavy, will do starboard side, hopefully better, and then see, if I have time to resand deeper and correct the flaw better today. Other than that, she’s looking beautiful enough, now, I think, to sit beside “Mouse” without much embarrassment!

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May 20Liked by Marty Loken

"Mouse".... oh for a video of her (and not a short one) working through all point of sail. With "Wren" right beside her!

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Rob - At this point I have only a short video clip, which I’ll try to post soon. (More to come maybe next week.) Also, it’s time for me to write and post the first in a series of Shallow Draft stories on Mouse…starting with origin of the design, then construction of the little beast, and finally some on-the-water sailing and overnight. cruising shots. I’ll start. drafting copy this week.

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