Between the print magazine started in 2020 and the stream of online content shared almost daily here, it can sometimes be hard to keep up with the articles—and especially to find them when you want to refer to them later.
One nice feature of this Substack digital platform is that you can always search our site by keywords to recover anything that has been published. Take a look at the screenshot below. See that little magnifying glass icon in the upper right? That’s where you can search old content.
Notice when I type the word “oars” I get a brief list of oar-specific content to click on, or I can click on See More Results for even more content on that subject.
With this in mind, we thought it might be nice to go ahead and link to a few of the technical articles that have been posted over this past year or so.
Thinking about anchors and anchoring? Here’s Marty’s dive into the topic:
Or here’s an article on small-boat specific anchoring techniques:
If you are researching furling systems, be sure to read Jerry Culik’s detailed text here:
Here’s an article on handheld GPS vs Cell Phone for navigation, etc.:
Speaking of oars, here are some suggestions for making a really inexpensive set:
Or maybe you’re looking for general trailersailer restoration tips? Here’s Guy Light’s introduction to that topic:
Of course there are dozens of additional tech articles available to you right now (paid subscribers get complete access) with the simple search function. And don’t forget the various columnists and topics listed along the top of the home page—that’s another great way to din what you’re looking for. •SCA•
Josh...VERY nice!!....An all in one “go to box” for us amateur DIY...SCA is there...Thank you to you and your staff...Lots to be Thankful for...Best, Dan
And now for something different
Are you aware if it weren't for sailing there would be no Thanksgiving