Beautiful photos!!…Ah boats, I have loved them all…if life would allow…I’d buy them ALL back/ and buy or build a bunch of others!!! Unfortunately I am only a few months younger than Marty and time is not on my side. SCAMP #6 (1st. Kit built) B.Frank and Monty 15 #742 “six” will have to do…Regards, Dan Phy

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Dan! How is the Kimbo working out?

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This actually could be become a popular continuing story here!! I suspect all of us have semi-regretful memories of our much loved vessel that we surrendered perhaps to quickly, or perhaps the one's we adored, and almost bought, but didn't, and then she was gone. "The boat that to away!"

Kirk Gresham

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Although I’m still wrestling with the forthcoming lack of a print magazine, these emails are quite wonderful!


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Thanks so very much, Marty for including that one shot of my Flicka 20 Koan, when we crossed the Strait together. I to sooo miss your previous Nord Vinden. I'm in fact embarrassed to admit how many of your past vessels I've lusted after. Your Garden Eel, and your tiny twin keeler with the pilothouse! I too wish I could have kept my previous, much loved Crotch Island Pinky, "Tradition" and my previous Sam Devlin cutter, "Eider"!!!

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Wow! Just wow.

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Ken - Many thanks for the generous comment about my photos. Much appreciated! - Marty

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Amazing photos Marty! I hope to take them with me everywhere, and look at them when I can't make it out on the water myself. Living vicariously...

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Good!! I’m home now…can’t wait for the next opportunity to get my Kimbo back out on the road… hard to believe I trekked for 5 weeks!!

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Beautiful photos!

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I don’t like getting an email every day with your old articles . Please stop sending them to me. I understand that economics is forcing you to stop publishing the magazine in print. I would expect to see the next edition on line but in a single publication, not pieces in separate emails.

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Robert under the sites settings you can turn off email notifications. (If you need more info on how to do this let me know.)

The new format for SCA means there will be articles published every few days or weekly.

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Sure whets my appetite to build and sail a small wooden boat. Then I remembered I have a One Sheet Skiff I built years ago sitting collecting dust in my garage. Just might have another look at her and see that she feels the water under her hull again. Great shots, I am inspired.

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