That seems awfully small for such attempts. How does one carry the food and even with hand pump water desalination there is an issue of enough potable water.
I have been watching Sven Yrvind on his YouTube channel build his newest 20 foot boat to sail from Norway south around the tip of South America. He plans the boat around the amount of water containers and food he will need to carry. Water jugs alone are more that the volume of Andrew Bedwell's 3' 10" boat. Best of luck to Mr. Bedwell.
If it can't go to wind then, help me out here... You just plan wind and currents carefully so the route is possible? Could you get into some of these technicalities in a future article?
That seems awfully small for such attempts. How does one carry the food and even with hand pump water desalination there is an issue of enough potable water.
I have been watching Sven Yrvind on his YouTube channel build his newest 20 foot boat to sail from Norway south around the tip of South America. He plans the boat around the amount of water containers and food he will need to carry. Water jugs alone are more that the volume of Andrew Bedwell's 3' 10" boat. Best of luck to Mr. Bedwell.
I’m excited to see Andrew’s attempt. Bold adventure and it looks like a purpose-built boat.
Oh, come on. How bored do you have to be?
If it can't go to wind then, help me out here... You just plan wind and currents carefully so the route is possible? Could you get into some of these technicalities in a future article?
Not sure how to put it politely..... but what's the point ???? Why not just swim over ????? I don't get it. Maybe I am getting too old.......