More innovation from EP Carry! Bravo! Increasing the power of your electric outboard via a phone ap is about as cutting edge as it can get. Always thinking!

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Anyone used an EP Carry on a SCAMP?

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Great news about EP Carry and I will definitely reach out to them, although from your brief description it sounds like they may not have the power to handle my ODay 192 (unloaded displacement 1600 lbs). Has SCA ever done a review of electric outboards? I seem to recall reading one, but maybe it predates your conversion to Substack because I've searched here and could not find anything.

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Love that they have right to repair for their motors! Also very cool that they offer the firmware update for free . Talk about taking care of their customers. When the time comes I will keep them in mind.

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hmmm. How about on a B&B Core Sound 20? Loaded weight of 1,300 pounds? It's close.

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