We asked you to share photos and a description of one of your most satisfying or successful mods to be entered to win some great System Three product. Here’s a nice one from Mike Yates. Send your mod to josh@smallcraftadvisor.com—Eds
Mike writes:
I looked at adding a production anchor roller on my NorseBoat 17.5. Unacceptable aesthetically. Marty gave me an idea. This is what I came up with. The “pulpit” sits alongside, but independent of, the bow sprit and bobstay. The rode goes through a new “hawse pipe” into a painter’s bucket. It works great! Lots of other smaller modifications to the boat.
Beautiful job on a well thought out sprit. Nice work.
BTW seems like our vessel is housed in your living or play room. Way to go !
As a teenager, kept my motorcycle in my bedroom but my Potter is simply too large :-)