On 12 December ‘22 the calendar was updated. More events now have dates and a few new activities have been added (thanks for the reader submissions!).
For most of my life I’ve sailed and cruised the challenging tide-and-current waters of the Salish Sea. Nothing is static, change is constant and one is best served by “going with the flow.” As Small Craft Advisor goes fully on-line this opens up new opportunities for sharing information about events and activities for small-boat fans. The transition isn’t in a vacuum and feedback is needed from you, dear reader, on what works and doesn’t with the calendar layout and details shared about each event. Let us know if you have any ideas for improving this event calendar.
If you know of or coordinate a boating event that has a small-boat component, please contact Dave Scobie at wdscobie@yahoo.com with the details. Thanks!
January 2023
New Years Messabout happens 1 January on Rat Island in Port Townsend Bay, WA. Come have a picnic lunch on the beach, talk boats while rowing, paddling, powering and sailing with the Port Townsend Pocket Yachters. www.pocketyachters.com
February 2023
Boat Builders Show on Cape Cod is 3-5 February in Hyannis, MA, showcasing the boats built by smaller, independent boat builders. It is one of the few boat shows in the country dedicated to providing these builders an opportunity to display their work and demonstrate to the boating public the level of quality and personal service available from a small independent shop. www.boatbuildersshowcc.com
Australian Wooden Boat Festival 10-13 February. This FREE event is held across Hobart Australia’s vibrant and bustling waterfront. The four-day festival brings together the largest and most beautiful collection of wooden boats in the southern hemisphere. www.australianwoodenboatfestival.com.au
Lake Pleasant Wrinkleboat Messabout, is 17 – 19 February on Lake Pleasant, AZ. All pocket cruisers under 22’ invited. This is part of the Arizona Yacht Club’s President’s Day Weekend Regatta and will have both short and long course racing. Sign up for either or both, or just come and hang out with the group for a low-key camping & paddle & oar & sail craft gathering. For details contact Gary Oberbeck: fairandsquare1@gmail.com
Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta happens 18 & 19 February on Anderson Inlet, Inverloch, Australia. The purpose of the regatta is to display to the public the variety of timber dinghies that were once common along Australian Victorian beaches but are now quite rare. https://sgycinverloch.com.au/?page_id=540
RYA Dinghy Show is 25 & 26 February at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre, UK. This is the only show in the world dedicated to dinghy sailing, A weekend of interactive features, expert advice, all the latest boats and kit – and best of all, absolutely everything dinghy. www.rya.org.uk/events/dinghy-show
Shipwrights Regatta is traditionally held in February (and sometimes in March). Hosted by the Port Townsend Sailing Association on Port Townsend Bay, Washington. All boats types are welcomed. Folks who would like to try sailboat racing but do not have a boat are encouraged to show up at the Skippers’ Meeting and be connected with boats looking for crew. www.nwmaritime.org/shipwrights
March 2023
Everglades Challenge begins 4 March. The Everglades Challenge is an unsupported, expedition style adventure race for kayaks, canoes, and small boats. Course is roughly 300 miles and goes from Tampa Bay to Key Largo, Florida. www.watertribe.com/events/evergladeschallenge
WaterTribe Ultra Marathon begins concurrently with the Everglades Challenge. The Ultra Marathon is an unsupported, expedition style adventure race for kayaks, canoes, and small boats. Course is roughly 62 miles and goes from Tampa Bay to Stump Pass at Cape Haze Marina, Florida. www.watertribe.com/Events/UltraMarathon
NZ Antique and Classic Boat Show is 4 - 5 March at Lake Rotoiti, South Island, New Zealand. Billed as a weekend of ‘Glorious Hydromatic Relaxation’ there will be displays on land from early morning, races on the lake in the afternoon, both days. Attendees range from sleek cedar kayaks, jet boats from the 60s, clunky clinkers and veteran sailing craft. Come see the restoration projects, chat to the owners, have a laugh as boaties try to start their motors for the Seagull dinghy race with its Le Mans start. www.facebook.com/NZACBS/ and www.nzclassicboats.com
Sam Rayburn Shakedown is 31 March on Sam Rayburn Reservoir in east Texas. Launching at Umphrey boat ramp on Sam Rayburn and sailing up to Caney Creek Recreation Area or further. There's plenty of camping all around the lake. https://fb.me/e/3gWuUJQkE
April 2023
River Front Boat Show is 1 April and serves as an annual celebration of the craft of boat building and to raise scholarship funds for students in the Cape Fear Community College boat building programs. Held on the banks of the Cape Fear River in downtown Wilmington, CFCC’s boat show attracts thousands of visitors every year. https://cfcc.edu/boat-building/cfcc-riverfront-boat-show/
Spring CENTEX Small Boat Messabout happens 15 April at Inks Lake State Park Burnet, Texas. This event is for small boats and their owners and typically includes wooden kayaks, canoes, and small cartop and trailer boats handcrafted with loving care, many by their owners. 'Boatless' folks who attend may be treated to a short row and sail. For event details email Steve at slansdowne249@gmail.com
World Pilot Gig Championships is 28-30 April on the Isles of Scilly, UK. . www.worldgigs.co.uk
Bay to Bay Trailable Yacht Race is 29-30 April. An annual Australian sailing event for monohull and multihull trailable yachts conducted by the Hervey Bay Sailing Club on the first weekend in May each year through the Great Sandy Marine Park and past the Great Sandy National Park and the World Heritage listed Fraser Island, Australia. www.herveybaysailingclub.org.au/bay-to-bay-yacht-race/
South Australian Wooden Boat Festival happens 28 – 30 April at the Goolwa Wharf precinct, Goolwa, Australia. The Festival promises boats aplenty, on water and land, ranging from canoes and rowing skiffs to traditional wooden boats large and small, powered under sail and by steam. www.sawoodenboatfestival.com.au/
Cat Island Mississippi Rendezvous will be in April. Join us for an 8 mile crossing of the Mississippi Sound from Long Beach Mississippi Yacht Harbor to Cat Island for a weekend of exploring and sailing fun. A pot luck supper on Saturday night. Is the weather is unfavorable for a crossing we will sail near the LBYC and enjoy the local beach, food, drinks and small craft stuff! Contact: SmallCraftLife@pm.me. Website: SmallCraftLife.com
May 2023
Cedar Key Small Boat Meet is 5 – 7 May. An informal gathering at Cedar Key, FL. Tides & weather are still the only organization - no planned boating events, sign-ups or fees. The Cedar Keys' magnificent National Wildlife Refuge islands & waters, along with people & their boats account for & assure the meet's popularity. Shallow draft is essential—whether sail, oar, paddle, motor or engine. Host: www.facebook.com/groups/FGCTSCA, Contact: Hugh at huhorton@gmail.com
Circumnavigate Deer Island Mississippi is 6-7 May. A Dinghy Cruising beginners island trip. We launch from the Biloxi Small Craft harbor and sail, row or paddle a short distance to Deer Island. We spend the Saturday and Sunday morning sailing around Deer Island and exploring the beaches. Camping on the island on Saturday night and Friday night if you arrive early. Contact: SmallCraftLife@pm.me. Website: SmallCraftLife.com
Big Lagoon Rendezvous is 13-21 May at Perdido Key, Santa Rosa Sound, Florida, starting at the Big Lagoon State Park boat ramp. We sail each day based on the winds and tides with rest days spread out through the week for relaxing, beach combing, practicing our bushcraft skills, learning new cooking skills, eating and drinking some ;-) Secure overnight parking is available at Big Lagoon State Park for a small fee with campsite and shower house nearby. Contact: SmallCraftLife@pm.me. Website: SmallCraftLife.com
"Semaine du Golfe" (Gulf's Week) is 15-21 May in Morbihan, France. An international maritime event, a cultural and popular festival, in the magical landscape of "Petite Mer" (little sea) of the Morbihan Gulf in Breton. More than a thousand boats of every size and every tradition divided into flotillas which sail every day and vary between ports and anchorages. www.semainedugolfe.com
Big Lagoon Messabout is 17 - 21 May. This annual small-boat event is for all types of boats: traditional or modern, wooden or fiberglass, power, sail or oar. Held at Big Lagoon County Park, Trinidad, CA. www.facebook.com/Big-Lagoon-Messabout-177478498942568/ and www.luckhardt.com/blmessabout.html
Florida 120 Challenge is 18 – 21 May. A cruise-in-company event for small boats. The route each year is subject to change, but it typically is in the bays and sounds in the Florida panhandle in and around Pensacola. www.florida120.com and www.facebook.com/groups/fl120/
Salish Sea Small Boat Montague Harbour Rendezvous 26 - 28 May on the beautiful sheltered waters of Montague Harbour Marine Park, in the Canadian Gulf Islands British Columbia. There is good camping right close to the dock for those not staying on their boats and there is a shuttle bus to the local pub. www.salishseasmallboatrendezvous.wordpress.com/montague-harbour-rendezvous/
Sail Caledonia is 27 May – 3 June. An annual Scottish 'Raid' or expedition for boats powered by sail and oars taking place in the Highlands of Scotland. www.sailcaledonia.org
Derring-Do Dinghy Dash has happened in May at Orchard Point Marina, Eugene, OR. Join us for Triton Yacht Club’s first event on the water! Intrepid participants who brave Spring’s fury will be rewarded with cake. www.tritonyachtclub.net/events-calendar/derring-do-dinghy-dash
Desert Regatta traditionally happens in late May or early June at Charbonneau Park, Burbank, WA at Ice Harbor Marina on the Snake River near the Tri-Cities, WA. Three boats in any class will have their own start. cbsc.info/desert_regatta.html
MUG Race traditionally happens in May and billed as the 'World's Longest River Race', the 38 nautical mile one-way race down Florida's St. Johns River from Palatka to Orange Park. All boats mush be able to pass under a 44' bridge without lowering their masts and boat classes cover racers to cruisers and all boat types from Sunfish to trailerable pocket cruisers and larger. www.rudderclub.com/2021-mug-race
Big Little Boat Festival traditionally happens in May at Camp Wabanna, Edgewater, Maryland. This annual celebration of small wooden boats is centered at the intersection of the Rhode and West Rivers. There will be a boat show, plenty of space to launch boats, races of multiple lengths, and whatever else COVID restrictions allow. There's also ample room for camping at Camp Wabanna. Contact Chesapeake Light Craft: www.clcboats.com/forms/contact_us.html
June 2023
Seventy48 begins 2 June. No motors, no support, and no wind. That’s right. HUMAN POWER ONLY. Pedal, paddle, or row from Tacoma, WA to Port Townsend, WA, (70 miles) in 48 hours or less. www.seventy48.com
Race To Alaska (R2AK) begins 5 June at Port Townsend with Stage 2 beginning 8 June at Victoria, British Columbia. No motors, no support, race from Port Townsend, WA to Ketchikan, AK. First boat there wins $10,000. Second place gets a set of really nice steak knives. Race Pre-race Ruckus is 12 June where you can see the boats and teams racing along with eats, drinks and music! www.r2ak.com
Texas 200 is a cruise-in-company event traditionally held the second week of June geared toward small sailboats and offers the opportunity to challenge yourself and your boat along 200 miles of the remote South Texas Gulf Coast. www.texas200.com and www.facebook.com/groups/100346820013471/
Wooden Boat Show and Summer Solstice Festival is 16 - 18 June in Grand Marais, Minnesota. Welcome the summer season in the best way possible: talking boats, celebrating community and hanging out on the shores of Lake Superior. Rows of hand-made and unique watercraft, a boat parade, craft demonstrations, an evening square dance, boat and tool auction, chowder and brats...there’s a bit of everything! www.northhouse.org/events/wooden-boat-show
WoodenBoat Show at Mystic Seaport, CT, happens 23 - 25 June and offers something for all wooden boat enthusiasts and marine history buffs. Wooden boats of every type (large and small, old and new, power, sail, oar and paddle) are on display. Skills demonstrations and workshops are provided throughout the weekend. www.thewoodenboatshow.com
Scottish Traditional Boat Festival held is in Portsoy, Scotland, 30 June through 2 July. Every member of the family can discover, enjoy, learn about and participate in the maritime and cultural heritage of the North East of Scotland. www.stbfportsoy.org
Cat Island Mississippi Rendezvous will be in June. Join us for an 8 mile crossing of the Mississippi Sound from Long Beach Mississippi Yacht Harbor to Cat Island for a weekend of exploring and sailing fun. A pot luck supper on Saturday night. Is the weather is unfavorable for a crossing we will sail near the LBYC and enjoy the local beach, food, drinks and small craft stuff! Contact: SmallCraftLife@pm.me. Website: SmallCraftLife.com
Swallows & Amazons traditionally happens in June at Walton on the Naze, United Kingdom. This big Race for Small Boats is held in the sheltered Walton backwaters where small boats overcome challenging tides, current and mud banks. Coordinated by: The East Coast Area of The Old Gaffers Association, www.oga.org.uk
Backwater Environmental Escape Rendezvous (BEER) has happened in June. Come and explore the beautiful sailing territory near Pensacola, FL! The event runs on island time and is strictly a relaxed environment! www.facebook.com/BEER-Cruise-2020-1419539134732050/ and beercruise.info
Anstruther Harbour Festival has happened in June in Anstruter, Scotland. The Festival is a community event aimed at celebrating the maritime traditions of the historic royal burghs of Anstruther Wester, Anstruther Easter and Kilrenny & Cellardyke. www.anstrutherharbourfestival.org
Family Boat Build traditionally happens in June at the new RiversWest Small Craft Center shop located at Green Anchors Portland eco-industrial park on the north shore of the Willamette River, just downstream of the St Johns Bridge, Oregon. This exciting event has drawn over 100 families in years past. A “family” can be almost any group interested in building a boat in two days. Preregistration is required. Contact: chuckstuckey1@gmail.com
July 2023
Salish Sea Small Boat Sucia Island Rendezvous is 7-9 July at Sucia Island, WA, at Sucia Island, WA. The 'crown jewel of the state's marine park system' offers several bays for anchoring, and several camping areas. https://sites.google.com/view/sssbs
SALISH 100 is 20-27 July. A small-boat cruise the length of Puget Sound: Olympia to Port Townsend. Overnight stops are prearranged to assure that there is space for everyone and time for participants to socialize. Due to the Salish 100's length and challenging waters an application must be completed prior to joining the event. https://nwmaritime.org/salish100/, facebook.com/groups/285180382147515/ and for questions please email directly at info@salish100.org
Pocket Yacht Palooza, is 29 July at the Northwest Maritime Center in Port Townsend, WA. This is the largest collection of small boats, both production and home built, in one place at one time in the United States. www.pocketyachters.com/port-townsend-pocket-yacht-palooza/
Barefoot Raid is 27 July through 2 August. A week of challenge sailing and comradery from Fanny Bay to Heriot Bay, BC, Canada, with multiple motherships for support. Lots of nifty prizes, meals provided by mothership, and many wild and beautiful anchorages or camp sites every night! barefootraid.net or facebook.com/groups/1153597811385228/
Palooza Crooza begins 30 July (end date to be determined). A small craft micro-adventure where boaters will cruise together for two-three days over a 31 mile route, departing from and returning to Port Townsend, WA.
Toms River Seaport Society and Maritime Museum Wooden Boat Festival is 30 July at Huddy Park, Toms River, New Jersey. Celebrating the rich maritime heritage of the Barnegat Bay and the State of New Jersey with old wooden boats in the water and in the park. Besides boats there are pirate shows, music, maritime crafts and museum's display of boats and artifacts and a working boat restoration shop. www.tomsriverseaport.org/vintage-boat-festival.html
[*** NOT ALL DATES BELOW ARE CORRECT – some previous year or unconfirmed information. The events are listed so you can see what has happened in the past and it is hoped will happen in the future. ***]
August 2023
Antique Boat Museum Antique Boat Show is 5-7 August at the 1000 Islands Museum on the St. Lawrence River in Clayton, NY. www.abm.org/index.php/events/antique-boat-show-and-auction/
Mariner Class Association National Rendezvous will be at Safe Harbor Essex Island Marina, Connecticut 5-7 August. There is also a Saturday early-morning excursion farther up the river and through Selden Creek, a unique and narrow passage reminiscent of the Everglades. http://www.usmariner.org [***contact - Capt. Nate Bayreuther President, Mariner Class Association O'Day Mariner #1922, Orion - http://www.mariner1922.com]
Dinghy Delta Ditch Run is 6 August and is a small boat regatta beginning at Rio Vista, follows the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel, and finishes at Lake Washington,West Sacramento, California. www.lwsailing.org
Leech Lake Regatta is 12-15 August on Leech Lake, Minnesota. Come and enjoy racing, sailing, campfires, music, and camaraderie! Boats race in two fleets; mono-hulls and multi-hulls. Within each fleet are divisions, when possible single hull type divisions are created. www.shoresofleechlake.com/leech-lake-regatta/regatta.shtml
Blue Hill Maritime Heritage Festival is 19 August (confirmed 2023) at Blue Hill, Maine’s historic village waterfront. Various activities will be occurring throughout the day, such as boat building demonstrations, oar carving, traditional boats on display, kiosks of organizations supporting or involved with Blue Hill Bay. On the water there will be more boats, demonstrations, many offering rides. Musicians will be adding to the maritime atmosphere with sea shanties and fiddle tunes. The Downeast Chapter of the Traditional Small Craft Association will be hosting and cosponsoring. bhmhf.org
Wooden Boat Show is in Toledo, Oregon, on the Depot Slough at Port’s Marina and Waterfront Park 20-21 August. The weekend is family friendly and celebrates the historic traditions of wooden boats and recreation on the Yaquina River. Events include boat building seminars for all ages, live music, food & vendor booths, and informational and historical exhibits. www.portoftoledo.org/copy-of-wooden-boat-show
Lake Champlain Challenge Race 27 August. Come enjoy a weekend of camaraderie, bragging rights, rowing, and plain good fun. Open to ALL human-powered craft. Location: Vergennes, Vermont. www.lcmm.org/challengerace/
Cathlamet Wooden Boat Show has traditionally happened in August at the Elochoman Slough Marina, Cathlamet, WA. The show itself is on Saturday & Sunday, folks come in on Friday and then hang around until Sunday, visit and leisurely depart. In addition to the main attraction of the Festival, the boats, many exciting things planned including nautical-related presentations and demonstrations, music, activities for the entire family, food and craft vendors, and even a specially brewed beer from the River Mile 38 Brewery for the occasion. There are lots of camping facilities and options at the marina. www.cathlametmarina.org
September 2023
Barefoot Raid Gulf Islands BC to Port Townsend WA is 1-8 September. A week of challenge sailing and comradery around the Gulf Islands, BC, Canada, with multiple motherships for support. Lots of nifty prizes, meals provided by mothership, and many wild and beautiful anchorages or camp sites every night! www.barefootraid.net or www.facebook.com/groups/1153597811385228/
Raid Extreme is 2-4 September on the Lauwersmeer, Netherlands. Open for all types of craft: sail canoes, SUPs, catamarans, sail and oar boats, no engines allowed. Shallow draft boats are at an advantage. Be ready to make the course on muscle and wind power and to row upwind through small creeks. There will be waves and wind. www.raidextreme.wixsite.com/raidextreme
Minnesota Voyageurs Challenge begins 3 September. This event is a challenge, not a race that commemorates the paddling route that the Voyageurs used back in the 1800's. www.watertribe.com/events/MinnesotaVoyageursChallenge/Default.aspx
Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, WA, is 9-11 September. Featuring 300 boats on land and water, 120 presentations, dozens of exhibitors, and live music all day, every day the Wooden Boat Festival is the most educational and inspiring wooden boat event in the world! www.woodenboat.org
Antique & Classic Boat Society’s Annual International Boat Show is 9-10 September in Burlington, Vermont. A gathering of classic boat enthusiasts and features more than 100 boats from the early 1900s through 2022. This “Field of Dreams” will host marquis boats, demonstrations, boat building displays, craft vendors, food trucks and more at the Waterfront Park, Boat Burlington Harbor and Community Boathouse Marinas. www.acbs.org/2022-international-boat-show/
Lake Chelan Sailing Regatta is 10-11 September. A weekend of sailing fun in a well organized yet friendly competition for all sailors. One design and portsmouth classes will vie for cheap awards while sailing on the clean, clear water of Lake Chelan, WA. Three or more boats of one design will get their own start! www.sailchelan.com
Lake Monroe Midwest Messabout is September 16-18. An informal gathering of persons interested in messing about in all kinds of small boats: paddle, sail, power, rowing, and/or pedal. The location is Paynetown State Recreation Area, Lake Monroe Reservoir, Indiana's largest man-made lake. www.sites.google.com/view/lake-monroe-midwest-messabout
The Glen-L Boatbuilder Forum 15th annual meetup is 22-25 September at Blue Water Resort, Lake Chickamauga, Dayton, Tennessee The group is made up of builders and owners of Glen-L boats and all are invited including owners and builders of other designs. Click here.
17th Annual Norm Blanchard W.O.O.D. (Wooden Open & One Design) Regatta is 24 September at The Center for Wooden Boats, Lake Union, Seattle. Open to all wooden boats - from El Toros to large racer cruisers. Non-wood versions of traditional wood one-designs are also welcomed. This regatta is all about have FUN! www.cwb.org
Mississippi 110 is a 'raid type' event happens 27 September – 2 October and brings together loose knit group of sailors that explores the areas around the Mississippi barrier islands. www.facebook.com/groups/801912106567809
Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival is 30 September – 2 October and brings a collection of small craft to the St. Michaels, Maryland, Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum’s Miles River waterfront, along with live music, scenic river cruises, food, beverages, and more. www.cbmm.org/events/annual-festivals-and-special-events/
Pirates of NC Sail is 30 September – 2 October. A sailing trip and adventure from Beaufort, NC, to Cape Lookout, NC. Where else can you visit the town Blackbeard visited, tour a maritime museum, see the Old Burying Grounds and sail on the ocean to an island with a lighthouse? Why in North Carolina of course! www.enctrader.com/ncsail/
Cat Island Mississippi Rendezvous will be in September. Join us for an 8 mile crossing of the Mississippi Sound from Long Beach Mississippi Yacht Harbor to Cat Island for a weekend of exploring and sailing fun. A pot luck supper on Saturday night. Is the weather is unfavorable for a crossing we will sail near the LBYC and enjoy the local beach, food, drinks and small craft stuff! Contact: SmallCraftLife@pm.me. Website: SmallCraftLife.com
The International Maritime Film Festival is traditionally in September. A juried contest of films celebrating the heritage, spirit of adventure, and ingenuity of boats and waterborne pursuits. www.maritimefilmfestival.com
Mystery Bay Messabout and Potluck traditionally happens in September at Marrowstone Island, WA. Bring a dish and your boat for a fun day with the Puget Sound Chapter of the Traditional Small Craft Association. www.pocketyachters.com/events/
October 2023
Circumnavigate Deer Island Mississippi is 7-8 October. A Dinghy Cruising beginners island trip. We launch from the Biloxi Small Craft harbor and sail, row or paddle a short distance to Deer Island. We spend the Saturday and Sunday morning sailing around Deer Island and exploring the beaches. Camping on the island on Saturday night and Friday night if you arrive early. Contact: SmallCraftLife@pm.me. Website: SmallCraftLife.com
Fall CENTEX Small Boat Messabout traditionally happens in October at Inks Lake State Park Burnet, Texas. This event is for small boats and their owners and typically includes wooden kayaks, canoes, and small cartop and trailer boats handcrafted with loving care, many by their owners. 'Boatless' folks who attend may be treated to a short row and sail. Event information email: duckworksevents@gmail.com
Big Lagoon Rendezvous is 14-22 October at Perdido Key, Santa Rosa Sound, Florida, starting at the Big Lagoon State Park boat ramp. We sail each day based on the winds and tides with rest days spread out through the week for relaxing, beach combing, practicing our bushcraft skills, learning new cooking skills, eating and drinking some ;-) Secure overnight parking is available at Big Lagoon State Park for a small fee with campsite and shower house nearby. Contact: SmallCraftLife@pm.me. Website: SmallCraftLife.com
Wooden Boat Festival is 15-16 October on the shores of the Tchefuncte River, Louisiana. This two-day family event attracts over one hundred classic boats, music, arts and crafts and a classic car cruise-in. www.lpbmm.org/wooden-boat-festival
Final Fling Dinghy Regatta happens 15 & 16 October in Plymouth, England. A fun weekend of dinghy sailing. All dinghies and classes are welcome. www.rwyc.org/other-racing-events/final-fling-dingy-regatta/
Georgetown Wooden Boat Show happens 15 & 16 October in Georgetown, South Carolina. The event features one of the Southeast's best wooden boat exhibits with more than 140 classic wood boats on display. On-land events include children's model boatbuilding, knot tying, maritime art and crafts, food and music. www.woodenboatshow.com
Roanoke Island Maritime Museum Wooden Boat Show is 29 October. The show is open to all wooden boats new construction or restored. The boats are displayed in the Creef Boathouse and Park, and in the water at the Roanoke Marshes lighthouse docks, Manteo, North Carolina. www.manteonc.gov/departments/waterfront-operations/roanoke-island-maritime-museum/activities
Port Aransas Wooden Boat Festival has traditionally happened in October on the northern tip of Mustang Island about 30 minutes across the bay from Corpus Christi, TX. Come see the boats, do some family boat building and take some boat rides. www.woodenboatfestival.org/
Cayo Costa Cruise has traditionally happened in October on Pelican Bay in Cayo Costa State Park, FL. A casual sailing weekend with a potluck dinner and campfire each evening. www.facebook.com/groups/wctss/
Archipelago Rally traditionally happens in October. This New England dinghy race has an on the beach Le Mans style start and ends with a BBQ/Beach Party. A fun family event with over half the competitors being children piloting their own boat. www.facebook.com/archipelagorally/
November 2023
Timber Boat Festival happens 5 & 6 November at the Royal Motor Yacht Club, Newport, New South Wales, Australia. A wonderful collection of over 90 wooden sloops, ketches, yawls, schooners, motor cruisers large and small and some classics from Halvorsen, Williams, Herreschoff, Chris Craft, Milcraft and Riva will be on display. www.royalmotor.com.au/boating-groups/timber-boat/timber-boat-festival
Gig Harbor Yacht Club LeMans Race is 19 November. This unique sailboat race, which began 52 Years ago (inspired by car racing), features a LeMans start: all boats are at anchor with sails down and the crew below decks. At the start, crews scramble topsides, hoist sails, and race out the mouth of Gig Harbor. www.gigharboryc.com
The above event details are correct to the best knowledge of this magazine. It is recommended that you visit the listed event www-site and coordinator to confirm dates, registration requirements and any associated cost. If you find that any of the above is in error please contact Dave Scobie with corrections at wdscobie@yahoo.com.
Really appreciate you taking the time to put this together.
For the calendar specifically, while a list of events and dates is useful and a clear carryover from the print medium, could it perhaps be made available in a more digital friendly format? An ical feed of events that I can subscribe to would be awesome - that would let me add the feed directly to my own calendar, get updates as soon as you make them, it'd work really well. Something to think about...