See Peter’s first entry for additional background. —Eds
Having spent a pleasant few weeks on my tropical isle completing my grass bundle boat there was time for a little reflection.
At this time I observed that the sea conditions over the past days had been relatively calm with a steady breeze from the east.
Had bright idea that I could use the sturgeon nose canoe with outriggers to accomplish the voyage to civilization faster than in the grass-boat.
My experience has been that one should never be slow to change tack when a better idea appears, even if it means abandoning previous efforts…..
Design #2
Basically a double outrigger with main hull using the Kutenai style canoe hull and the outrigger’s amas made from 2 liter bottles wrapped in dried elephant grass and secured to bamboo poles for longitudinal strength
Cross beams made from bamboo
Rigged using the two-sprit rig used by Malagasy fishermen to power their outrigger canoes.
Interesting concept. How waterproof is seaweed glue? Since it is made from SEA weed, I would have reservations about using it in salt water and it reconstituting itself. However, I have never used it, had not even heard about it before, so what do I know? It must have worked since you say you arrived home safely!
Well done. I believe the competing Garfield and Rubber Ducky figure heads should ward off evil spirits and contribute to a safe passage. You’ve covered all the bases.