Author David Nichols offered us another excerpt from his new book The Brotherhood of Pandora. The last excerpt and the book itself have been so well-received we said sure, let’s run it! —Eds
Excerpt from The Brotherhood of Pandora by David L Nichols
Available at
The Lady is a predator
After a brief conversation, Ira said Cyrus had sent him because he knew Jacob needed a Purser.
“I hope you would consider me for the job, Captain. Cyrus did mention that we would be very strictly ‘men of business,’ and there was no Letter of Marque. Cyrus was quite strong about that. He was also quite strong about it bein’ nobody’s business what we was about, and I’ve kept it that way. Not a soul knows I’m here, sir. Not anybody’s business what a ‘man of business’ is about.”
“And you are comfortable with that?” Jacob smiled.
“Oh, aye, sir. Just fine with it, sir. Cyrus did mention you might be wantin’ to know why I was wantin’ to be part of this enterprise, sir. Truth is a man sometimes gets restless, sir.”
“Aye, sir, restless. I sailed on merchantmen for a number of years after the war and then moved ashore. There was my wife; she’s dead now three years, God rest her soul. Children are scattered about; get a letter now and then. Just restless, sir, like my anchor is draggin’. I never cared much for life ashore anyway. I drifted into Man Full of Trouble just by chance and found Cyrus. And that’s how I’m here, sir.”
“There are other ships, Ira. I would be most happy to have you as Purser on any of my ships.”
“And I thank you, sir. It’s most generous of you, but a merchantmen is a merchantmen, sir. What I need, sir, is omething’ to stir my blood, and bein’ ‘men of business’ is omething’ to get your blood a stirrin’.”
“Very well, then. You are the best and most honest Purser I have ever come across, and I am most pleased to have you aboard Pandora. You will find her afloat in dry dock. She takes on less water each day now. Please move your chest aboard and situate yourself. You will find a small group of laborers that keep her pumped out, but you are the first crew to go aboard. Please familiarize yourself with her as there are some things that are quite unique. She has twelve 18-pounders, but will carry the appropriate crew and munitions for two ships. And I wish to buy her rations and stores locally, so take that into account. Also, I will furnish you with a list of unusual items and their suppliers.”
“Is there a ship’s chest, sir?”
“There is. I wish it to remain here until we have more crew aboard the Pandora. I will transfer the chest and key to you in a day or two.”
There was a little bounce in Ira Henry’s step, and he stood a bit straighter as he left Jacob’s for the Pandora. He had the walk of a man no longer adrift, a man with a course and destination. The walk of a ‘man of business.’
When he arrived at Pandora, Ira was struck by how sleek and fast she looked. By God, this lady is a predator if I ever saw one, he thought. But he was puzzled because the Captain had said she carried twelve guns, yet there were no gun ports.
As he walked across the gangway, a man appeared on deck and demanded to know who he was.
“I’m a warrant officer of this ship. I’m here to keep track of how much water you pump out each day, so you’d be wise to man those damn pumps.”
The man was not prepared for the authority in Ira’s voice. “Beggin’ your pardon, sir. We thought you was one of them that wants to sneak aboard for a nosey look about. No offense, sir.”
“None taken. Just doin’ your job. Now grab my chest and take it below.”
The gun deck stopped Ira cold. There they were, twelve 18-pounders, but the gun carriages were nothing like anything he had ever seen. ‘Oh, you are a very special predator,’ he thought as his hand gently patted a cross beam.
When he had finished climbing through every inch of the ship, he returned to the gun deck. There were things Ira saw that he didn’t understand, but he knew the captain and was certain this was a very unique ship. He stood quietly on the gun deck for a moment, and a tear of pure joy rolled down his cheek. He leaned forward to kiss the cross beam and whispered, “Good God, Lady, you do stir a man’s blood.”
He was the first to kiss her, but he would not be the last. Others were falling under her spell. Both the sergeant and John were smitten, and she had completely stolen Jacob’s heart. He had more than once stroked her cross beams the way he had touched Sarah’s cheek and Penelope’s breast.
Her children were slowly gathering to her as she sat tethered to the dock. Her planks were swelling with water, and soon she would be ready. For the moment, Pandora rested and waited for her family. ###
I've read the whole thing. This excerpt reminded me to read it again. Thanks for the hours of entertainment, David.
Please Mr. Nichols, can I have more sir?